Monday, September 27, 2010


The social space in the literature ‘Designing in technosocial landscapes” focuses on the juxtaposition between art and technnology (exemplified by the artist Janet Cardiff) on the depiction of how place can be demonstrated through experience. This idea influenced me to initiate the study of the aspects of place and how space changes wher affected by people and routine.

The underground corridors leading to the lecture theatres acts as a socializing space in between classes. Through analysis of the existing architectural features, my addition to this space exemplifies the human pathways made by the flowing, weaving movement made by monitoring how people react to sharp, perpendicular edges.
As the inhabitants becomes more used to these portals, the sense of absurd might dissolve and be replaced by small moments of realization and pleasure or the sort of irritation that would incite conscious adjustments according to different perspectives. A clear transition between workspace and leisure space is achieved.

Moreover, I have incorporated the use of mesh material and wires too infiltrate the corridor area with my previous threshold design of a spiderweb by the continuation of a linear, structural framework.